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Sing Along Playlist

Yesterday I decided to do a big old fashioned musical sing-along to cheer myself up. And this is what happened. They're mostly soprano type sing-alongs (sorry...I at least left out Phantom, just because I can hit those notes doesn't mean I should sing those songs)

1. I'm Not Afraid of Anything- Songs for a New World

This song is the literal definition of convincing yourself you aren't afraid of anything by singing about it.

2. What Baking Can Do- Waitress
Unpopular opinion, I like singing this one more than 'She Used to Be Mine'. And it's just..lovely.

3. Always Starting Over- If/Then
How bitter am I that I didn't see If/Then? very. This song feels like Idina when she's REALLY good, and when she's good she's good when she's not..well. But also this song feels like my life. So I enjoy belting my face off to it.

4. Get Out and Stay Out- 9 to 5
When is Stephanie J Block telling a trash man to get the fuck out not a mood?

5. Breathe- In The Heights
My favourite thing about this song, when Lin was asked did Nina have some big trauma at College that made her drop out, he just said 'no College is just hard' and honestly thank you. I nearly dropped out of my undergrad. It was the worst. It's just freakin' hard, and I appreciate a chance to sing that.

6. Holding on to the Ground - Falsettos 
When is Stephanie J Block belting out anything not a mood? But on the weekend of 13th March I found myself wandering around London singing 'everything will be alright' to myself and I haven't stopped since...I kind of have to make myself belive it, so sing it I will.

7. Legally Blonde- Legally Blonde

Sometimes you need a sad song to sing along to. Also reminds me of College...anyone would think I didn't have a great time...also if Christian Borle was the other side of the door I wouldn't be going....Also that duet line 'You were the best thing about this place' GLORIOUS.

8. Astonishing- Little Women
Confession, what I know about Little Women is that Joey puts the book in the freezer, and this song. But man what a song.

9. Me and the Sky- Come From Away
I've got nothing here or I'll start crying. You all know.

10. Being Alive- Company (the good version where a woman sings it obviously)
I was belting this out yesterday, and I just thought if I could relive one show right now, today it would be this.

11. If I had my time again- Groundhog Dya 
Justice for the Hog! But also what a song. Minchin at his best- witty and thoughtful, but also a banger of a tune. I used to sing this REALLY loudly on my way to work. Also any song that includes the line 'And I would punch a lot of men' is a winner.

12. A Summer In Ohio-The Last Five Years
Don't get me wrong I can do a one-woman version of this entire show (and honestly it would be a better story for everyone if we got rid of Jamie) But have you lived if you haven't acted out this song in full 'And her snake [dramatic look to audience] Wayne'

13. Watch What Happens- Newsies
We love a girl who takes on the men and shows them she's better. But first has to sing about it. But this is a great song for 'underestimate me if you dare'

14. I know it's Today- Shrek 
Judge all you want (and I do believe me) but this is a great song.

15. All that Matters- Finding Neverland
This was in my humble opinon an underrated mediocre musical. In that, it didn't set my world on fire but I'd happily watch is several times and be entertained. And Laura Michelle Kelly, singing like her life depended on it (though she does die of TB and has surprising lung capacity considering).

16. They Just Keep Moving the Line- Bombshell
We had to have some trash-for-Smash sing along in here somewhere. And this song cuts to my very heart. But I love it.

17. Good Morning Baltimore- Hairspray 
This is just joy. Fun fact, if you said Baltimore in a Baltimore accent it wouldn't rhyme here.

18. Shadowland-  The Lion King
Weird one, but we've done it in choir many times, and I'm now weirdly fond of it (well the top soprano line, which I know how to sing at least)

19. I have Confidence- The Sound of Music
A classic. Sing it before a job interview or date. Also do the tour in Saltzberg if you ever get chance it's joy.

20. Part of Your World- The Little Mermaid 
I'll be honest, there was an uneven number and it bugged me. But this was the first Disney song I learned to sing so it seems fitting.


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